July 2020

The winds have started early this year, and July is blowing up clouds of leaves. I’ve had a few plants suffering from frost this year – Dieffenbachia, Ctenanthe, and Philodendron. The obvious ones like Banana and Papaya have shown just a bit of yellowing.

In the indigenous garden the Aloes are really coming into their own.. with Aloe cryptopoda now in flower, plus a few spotted aloes like Aloe parvibracteata, and Aloe greenii. Aloe globuligemma and Aloe chabaudii are just about to flower, and the Hybrids that I have are now in full bloom. Wild flowers like Vernonia and Hibiscus engleri are still stubbornly putting out their last few blooms too, keeping the bees happy.

In the garden, I managed to find a few narcissus bulbs from Builders Warehouse who have a small selection of plants for sale again. And I’ve added a Phalaeonopsis orchid to my jungle garden, plus a staghorn fern from Sanitas. It is looking so colourful for winter.

In the herb garden, the rosemary and lavender are flowering, and rocket leaves are turning a dark red with the cold, I have managed to finally grow some Pipiche from Mexico, and it is flowering too at the moment. The fennel is loving the cooler weather as is the watercress.