
I went on a quick trip to Kasane, and it was so lovely. Everything was still green, the Chobe River was full, and there were lots of animals to see in Chobe National Park. I’ve been hoping to see Trapa natans, commonly called european water chestnut or water caltrop, and luckily I spotted it on a boat excursion. It is indigenous to Africa and Eurasia; and Trapa natans var. bispinosa is indigenous to Botswana.

It is remarkable in that it is a highly regarded food crop, especially in Asia where it is widely cultivated for its edible seeds. The seeds are cooked and can be ground into flour. The fruits are a good source of nutrition with 16% starch and 2% protein. When raw, the fruits are juicy and crisp, when cooked, the flesh softens but it still remains crunchy. Fruits of the Trapa natans plant are used in making liniments for the cure of elephantiasis, rheumatism, sores and sunburn. It is also said to have cancer-preventing properties.

It is sometimes considered a weed or invasive, as it can form thick impenetrable mats across wide areas of water and can outcompete native plants, however this is not evident on the Chobe, as I only spotted a few plants. There were lots of Water lilies which the Elephants appeared to be enjoying!

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